There are three main types of retirement plans in the United States, including: Social Security, company and government pensions, and individual pensions (including 401Ks, IRAs, etc.). Typically, 401Ks are selected by the company, while IRA plans are selected by the individual. The money is deposited into a retirement account each month, and the individual (or a professional investor) selects and invests in a combination of products in the market, taking responsibility for their own profits and losses based on market conditions.
The advantages of annuities:
In the U.S. family and individual retirement income annuity insurance market, U.S. annuity insurance products, are divided into the following four major categories.
Fixed Annuity Fixed Income Annuity: The return is determined by the performance of the stock market index. If the underlying stock index rises, then the annuitant receives the return under the contract's return line; if the stock index falls, then he or she receives the contract's guaranteed minimum yield return.
Variable Annuity: It is an investment type annuity with high risk and high return. The insurance company generally does not guarantee the investment return and the amount paid to the annuitant varies according to the market conditions.
Indexed Annuity: The income is determined by the performance of the stock market index. If the underlying stock index rises, then the annuity beneficiary receives the return under the contract's return line; if the stock index falls, then the receipt is the minimum yield return guaranteed by the contract.
Immediate Annuity: The policyholder opens an Immediate Annuity Guarantee Account with the insurance company and deposits a large lump sum of money (which can come from life insurance accounts, RAS, cash deposits, 401Ks, 403(b), other annuity accounts, etc.) and the insurance company then pays the pension on a monthly or annual basis. This is similar to the concept of a "lump sum" that can be taken for life.